Planning Scheme Amendment

The City of Whittlesea has prepared Planning Scheme Amendment C269wsea to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The amendment applies to the former Bundoora Quarry site. The land affected by the amendment includes:

  • Part of 149 McKimmies Road, Bundoora

The amendment seeks to facilitate the future redevelopment of the land for residential purposes through rezoning and application of the Development Plan Overlay (DPO40) and to rehabilitate the land to allow sensitive uses (i.e. housing) to be guided by the recently completed environmental audit.

Update July 2024

Following Council’s resolution to request the Minister for Planning appoint a Planning Panel, the panel took place in April and May 2024.

The panel members have now completed their review and assessment of the matters discussed during the panel and issued their report. The report can be downloaded here

Council will now consider their recommendations and make a decision on the amendment at a future Council Meeting.

Update: February 2024

At its Council Meeting on 20 February 2024, the City of Whittlesea resolved to request the Minister for Planning appoint an independent planning panel to consider all unresolved submissions made in relation to the proposed amendment.

The role of a planning panel is to provide an independent forum for submitters to be heard on their submissions. The proponent and submitters will be notified when the date for the planning panel is set.


The 36-hectare site at 149 McKimmies Road in Bundoora was operated as a quarry from the 1960s to the early 1990s. Since quarrying ceased, the site has received clean fill material.

The current owners of the site Intrapac Property have proposed a Planning Scheme Amendment to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for residential development. This proposal aligns with an opportunity originally identified in the Thomastown Industrial Area Plan.

Due to the site's former use, a full Environmental Audit (assessment of environmental contamination issues) has been undertaken on the site and a Statement of Environmental Audit was issued on 6 January 2023. The statement considers that the site is suitable to be used for uses such as residential and open space.

The Planning Scheme Amendment proposes to rezone part of the site to a General Residential Zone. The zone supports a diversity of housing types and encourage development that respects the neighbourhood character of the area.

The Planning Scheme Amendment also proposes to apply the Development Plan Overlay, which will require the preparation of a Development Plan to guide the future development of the site.

It is expected that the development of the site will accommodate approximately 700 dwellings, including a diversity of housing options. A proportion of the new dwellings will be affordable housing.

The planning controls also propose to protect the Darebin Creek corridor from development and requires the provision of new open space.

Public exhibition and consultation

The public exhibition and consultation period was from 12 September 2023 to 15 October 2023.

All submissions are being considered by Council and may be referred to an independent panel for review before any decision is made.

Contact Details

Submissions can be sent using the below contact details. Please reference Whittlesea Planning Scheme Amendment C269wsea.

Contact Information
Name Strategic Planning Team
Phone 9217 2170
In writing

Chief Executive Officer
City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC VIC 3083