Project Updates
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At the 21 March 2022 Council Meeting, Council resolved to release the Draft Budget 2022-23 and Draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23 for community feedback.
You can view both documents online or in person and can have your say until 5pm on 26 April 2022. Both documents have included feedback already gathered from the community during consultation last year.
The Draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23 outlines 125 activities and projects that Council will complete during the next financial year as part of the Community Plan 2021-25.
Draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23
Draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23
You can also have your say on the draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23 which is an annual supplement to the Community Plan 2021-25.
This document outlines 125 actions to be completed over the next financial year to build towards achieving the Community Plan and ultimately our Whittlesea 2040 goals. These goals are for a Connected Community, Liveable Neighbourhoods, a Strong Local Economy, a Sustainable Environment and a High-Performing Organisation.
Key projects proposed to be delivered in the next year include:
Implement the Community Leadership Program Commence the design of the regional sports and aquatic centre in Mernda Continue to advocate for and progress delivery of an Aboriginal Gathering Place Renew and develop new parks and playgrounds Investigate and secure opportunities for more social and affordable housing Implement a new Destination Tourism Plan to support the visitor and agri-tourism economies Implement a glass recycling bin service as a fourth kerbside collection bin Partner with Traditional Owners to develop land management partnerships Continue to make it easier for customers to interact with Council.
Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23 Feedback Form
Provide feedback about the Draft Community Plan Action Plan 2022-23
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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Contact Information Name Robert Kisgen Phone 9217 2170 Email Website Draft Budget 2022-23
Draft Budget 2022-23
Council’s draft Budget 2022-23 is now open for feedback.
The $295 million budget which includes an operating budget of $244 million, proposes a significant investment in supporting the local economy to thrive and boosting services to respond to projections of unprecedented population growth.
Budget highlights include
The $51.57m Capital Works Program resets the approach to capital delivery in a post-COVID environment with a sharp focus on delivering critical new projects and catching up on others which were delayed due to the impacts of COVID on staff and supplies across the construction industry. A focus will be getting future projects shovel-ready to ensure Council maximises the opportunities to partner with other levels of government for funding.
The budget proposes that the $15 million cash result be transferred into a newly created Regional Sports & Aquatic Fund to help fund the delivery of a new regional state-of-the-art centre to support the City of Whittlesea community to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
An average rate increase of 1.75% in line with the Victorian Government’s annual rate cap is also proposed.
Council will continue to subsidise waste charges in 2022-23 with a proposed increase of 13.8% or $15.80.
Draft Budget 2022-23
Feedback Form
Provide your feedback on the Draft Budget for 2022-23
Contact Us
Have a question about the Draft Budget 2022-23 or want to learn more, contact us below:
Contact Information Name Aaron Gerrard Phone 9217 2170 Email Website