Have Your Say: Barry Road, Thomastown – Proposed Road Safety Improvements

To improve road safety, Council is proposing to upgrade Barry Road in Thomastown between Victoria Drive and Edgars Road by installing a series of speed humps.

The installation of speed humps is proven to be effective in reducing vehicle speeds and the proposed plan has been developed in line with Australian Standards. A copy of the proposal can be viewed in the document library.

Reducing vehicle speeds in residential areas reduces the frequency and severity of road accidents and creates safer streets, as outlined in Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy 2010-2022 and City of Whittlesea’s Road Safety Strategy 2017. The City of Whittlesea is committed to improving the safety of our streets for all road users.

We invite you to provide your feedback by completing the survey below. The views of the community are valued and will be considered in determining if the proposed upgrades for Barry Road are undertaken. Further information will be available following the completion of community feedback.

If the upgrade is undertaken, it is anticipated the works will undertaken by 30 June 2022.