Following a review of Council’s Community Grant program, new Community Grant Guidelines have been endorsed and will make it easier for Council to partner with and support local communities to deliver important programs and events.

The new guidelines will ensure grants are distributed in an equitable way across the community and are easier for groups and individuals to access. The guidelines will open funding opportunities to a wider range of community groups and localities with funding to be available all year round rather than via programs with specific dates for applications.

The new guidelines have been informed by feedback we have received in recent years and through examination of best practice across the local government sector and beyond.

You can see what we heard during community consultation in the draft Community Grants Guidelines engagement summary.

Community Grant Guidelines 2023 - 2024

Key highlights of the new program include:

Frequently Asked Questions

We are proposing a fit-for-purpose Community Grants Program to ensure Council can effectively support community to deliver important programs, activities and events. The new model for community grants has been designed to broaden the scope of opportunity for community to receive funding, by introducing grants available year-round.

The City of Whittlesea is offering grants to Individuals, Unincorporated groups, Not-for-profit groups, incorporated groups, social enterprise and businesses that all meet the following mandatory eligibility requirements.

  • are located in the City of Whittlesea,
  • deliver the event or project in the City of Whittlesea
  • have no outstanding debts to Council,
  • have acquitted all previous Council grants,
  • proposed projects or events align to Council 2040 vision.

The following table provides a summary of the eligible applicants for each grant type.

Council encourages applications from all individuals, groups, organisations, and businesses who meet the eligibility requirements of the grant they are applying for. The following are activities, projects or events Council will not fund across all grants.

1. Day to Day operational expenses. Applicant’s day to day operational expense or core business that are part of the applicant’s everyday expense (for example, salaries, electricity, lease or rent payments etc)

2. Regular Activities. Projects or events that are part of the applicant’s regular activity (for example, if an individual applies to support a morning tea for their existing group who meet would also meet for morning tea, this is not a new project or event),

3. Outstanding Debts to Council. Individuals, groups or businesses with existing debts owing to Council will be ineligible.

4. Building Projects, Capital Works, or Facility Maintenance

5. Seek support or assistance from Councillors. Seeking or lobbying for Councillor input or support will automatically exclude your application.

6. Profit and Advertise Gambling. Organisations or Businesses that undertake or promote gambling unless a significant benefit to the community is demonstrated. For example, RSLs can be funded for ANZAC Day Dawn Service, however, the RSL will not be funded for a new tv in the members lounge to benefit members.

7. More than two applications per applicant per grant type per year. To ensure and fair and equitable distribution of grants, organisations are limited to two applications per year.

8. Auspice organisations supporting more than four other applications.

9. Political Activities

10. Projects or Activities that are the responsibility of the State or Federal Government. Applicants can include State or Federal government funding as co-contribution in their application.

11. Groups outside the City of Whittlesea will not be funded unless they can provide evidence of services and membership benefiting residents of the City of Whittlesea.

When is funding available?

To ensure community are supported all year round, the timing for each of the grant types below will allow time to deliver these grants and ensure community can apply for grants specific to their needs. The following table provides a summary of the grant type, maximum amount per grant available, timing of when these grants are offered and the opening and closing dates.