
Did you know that just one broken glass bottle can contaminate an entire bin of recycling?

To help improve the quality of our recycling, the City of Whittlesea is introducing a dedicated new household glass recycling service later this year.

The purple-lidded bin is a new bin dedicated for the collection of glass bottles and jars and is in line with the Victorian Government’s requirement that all Councils comply with a standardised four-bin waste and recycling system by 2027. The City of Whittlesea is committed to creating a more sustainable future and delivering improved recycling services for our community sooner, so we are rolling out this new service for you now, ahead of schedule.

Households will receive a new 120 litre purple-lidded bin for glass bottles and jars. Bins will be delivered throughout August and September.

The City of Whittlesea has a strong commitment to sustainability and reducing waste. Rolling out this new glass recycling service will help more of our waste to be recycled into new materials and products rather than ending up in landfill.

Our team will be out and about over the next few months to provide information and answer your questions about glass recycling. Come and speak to us at one of the below locations.

You can also have a read of our frequently asked questions or ask us a question below.

Kids, help us name our new glass recycling mascot!

A cartoon of a green bin with a purple lid. It has a face, arms and legs, and is waving and smiling.
Open question

Senura asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

How many new glass recycling trucks are there?

Open question

iPhone asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

Are there new trucks for the glass bins?

Open question

Anna asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

How can we receive a purple lid glass recycling bin for our household?

Open question

CouncilRate-Payer asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

A contingent of residents will continue to dispose of glass in their regular recycling bin indefinitely. This is due to the new purple-lid bin being too small and emptied too infrequently to be practical for their household. Most are unwilling to pay extra upfront for a larger bin, and will unfairly increase waste/disposal fees and impact ALL ratepayers. Providing a 240 Litre bin as standard makes practical and economic sense in the long term. How will council EFFECTIVELY deal with this issue?

Open question

maza asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

will you be able to put broken fish tank glass in these bins if not where ? do i need to go to the tip ? ty

Open question

Francis asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

When are the purple bins going to begin collection?

Open question

Debra asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

What about the labels on jars/bottles

Open question

Robert asked | Question asked to Resource Recovery Unit

Glass bin should be optional and not forced. I live alone and don’t use glass I do not want a glass bin and shouldn’t be charged for one. If you insist on charging for a glass bin then bake the green bin FREE.