Have your say
Community road safety concerns have been raised regarding traffic volumes and speeds along Hayston Boulevard, Epping, particularly between Cascade Crescent and Harvest Home Road.
Council officers have undertaken a thorough assessment of Hayston Boulevard, including the collection and analysis of traffic data. As a result, Hayston Boulevard has been identified as requiring road safety upgrades to improve the overall safety of vehicles travelling along Hayston Boulevard and the surrounding area.
Council is proposing the installation of a range of road safety improvements along Hayston Boulevard between Harvest Home Road and Cascade Crescent.
Type of proposed upgrades
*Note: Centre Island shown with added speed cushions
- Reduction in vehicle speeds
- Prevent drivers from overtaking others
- Can provide a refuge for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road
- May visually enhance the road through landscaping and reducing the straight/wide feel of the road
- Prohibit or limit access and movement from driveways
- Remove/reduce on-street parking adjacent to the islands
- May create squeeze points for cyclists
- Not particularly effective at reducing through traffic
- Provides a refuge for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the street
- Separation of vehicles in opposing traffic lanes thereby reducing the probability of head-on collisions
- Prevent drivers from overtaking others
- Can visually enhance the street through landscaping
- May require significant amount of on-street parking to be removed
- Likely to prohibit or limit access and movement from driveways
- May create a squeeze point for cyclists
*This may have zebra line marking or a yellow flat top, depending on crossing usage
- Significant reduction in vehicle speeds and crashes
- Provides a designated crossing place for pedestrians and cyclists
- May reduce vehicle/pedestrian and vehicle/cyclist conflicts
- May discourage through traffic
- They may be uncomfortable for road users when negotiated at high speeds
- May incrementally increase travel times (by seconds)
- Limited use linking to footpath and shared path crossings
- May require localised drainage upgrades
- A significant reduction in vehicle speeds and crashes at treated intersections
- May discourage through traffic when used in series
- No on-street parking loss
- Safer place for pedestrians and cyclists crossing at intersections
- Limited to use at intersections
- Ineffective at reducing vehicle speeds and through traffic unless used in series
- May incrementally increase travel times (by seconds)
- Limited use linking to footpath and shared path crossings
- May require localised drainage upgrades
- Reduction of vehicle speeds on approach to and through the intersection
- Reduction of vehicle conflicts and crashes at intersections
- Improve traffic circulation at intersection
- Enhancement to the appearance of the road with landscaping
- Unlikely to reduce vehicle speeds away from treated intersection/s
- Unlikely to reduce through traffic
- Remove/reduce on-street parking at intersection
- Relatively expensive and may require significant changes to road reserve space, drainage and private property acquisition
We would like to hear your feedback on which upgrades you prefer by completing the short survey below. Survey is open until 24 March 2023. The views of the community are valued and will be considered in determining what type of road safety improvements are made to Hayston Boulevard.