Upgrading the sports lights at Mill Park Lakes Recreation Reserve

Council is currently investigating an upgrade to the sportsground lighting at Mill Park Lakes Recreation Reserve.

The upgrade will see the installation of 100-lux LED lighting around the Natural Turf Oval (West Oval) to replace the existing, outdated metal halide lights.

The project is being designed in accordance with Australian standards and the lights will be positioned to limit any light spill and glare into residential properties.

Upgrading the lighting will improve training facilities for local clubs, increase the safety of the grounds for sports participants and the broader community and allow for the possibility of future night matches on the natural turf oval, subject to Council approval.

There is no change to the Clubs’ current approved hours of use of the reserve.

Scheduling for this project is yet to be determined. If the work proceeds, we will keep you informed about the timing and will endeavour to minimise disruptions.