The City of Whittlesea resolved at its 18 February 2025 Council Meeting to request the Minister for Planning appoint an Independent Planning Panel to consider submissions made in relation to the proposed amendment C275wsea. Anyone who made a submission will be contacted and advised of Council’s decision.
Planning Scheme Amendment
The City of Whittlesea is preparing Planning Scheme Amendment C275wsea to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme. The Amendment implements recommendations from Planning Scheme Review 2018 (PSR 2018) and updates three local policies on Display Homes (Clause 13.07-1L), Medical Centres (Clause 19.02-1L), and Materials Recycling Centres (Clause 19.03-5L). It aims to ensure these policies are current, respond to key issues identified by key stakeholders, and improve their usability.
Proposed changes include preference to locate display homes close to their development site and to minimise traffic and other impacts on residents. The proposed policy also encourages consideration of the design and use of display homes to transition into a residential use once they are no longer required.
Proposed changes include consideration of negative amenity impacts, integration of ancillary uses such as chemist with the primary sue, and response to built form and traffic management issues. The proposed policy also provides guidance to locate busier medical centres in activity centres as opposed to residential neighbourhoods, design preferences, amenity protection measures and co-location with other land uses of similar intensity.
Proposed changes include the location of materials recycling centres, management of amenity impacts and land use outcomes to encourage better located facilities, improved landscaping and building orientation. The proposed policy also addresses amenity management outcomes (including noise, air quality and dust suppressant management), traffic and car parking, visual appearance and site maintenance, and hours of operation.
For more details, refer to the Explanatory Report in this page’s Document Library.
Amendment C275wsea seeks to action three recommendations from the Planning Scheme Review 2018 (PSR 2018), which was adopted by Council on 4 June 2019. In accordance with Planning Practice Note 32: Review of Planning Schemes, the PSR 2018 assessed whether provisions, such as local planning policies, zones, overlays and schedules, have been effective and efficient in achieving the objectives and strategies of the Scheme. While the PSR 2018 found that the Scheme is generally operating well, it also recommended update to five local policies to ensure they adequately address changes in community and Council’s requirements and expectations. This review was the impetus for Amendment C275wsea.