Rethinking Waste Plan 2021-2030

The Rethinking Waste Plan 2021-2030 will support our community to become a leader in sustainable living and guide Council's waste management and resource recovery services to the community, download plan here.

The plan, which features 24 actions to be implemented over the next 10 years, was developed in response to changes in the waste and recycling industry and community expectations. Developed with input from residents, local businesses, industry and students, it sets a number of targets including reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill by 68,000 tonnes each year and reducing the amount of waste generated per person by 20 per cent by 2030.

We will work towards becoming a low waste city, with three goals in mind:

AVOID: to avoid waste generation

RECOVER: value waste as a resource by recovering and recycling as much as possible and encourage repair, reuse and recycle principles

PROTECT: to protect the health and safety of our community and the environment from the impacts of waste.

As we work towards each of the actions in the plan, we will be working closely with the community, asking for feedback and developing programs and initiatives that will help meet our goals. You can share your views with Council and by providing your feedback in the survey below by Friday 4 March 2022.

We are currently seeking feedback from households who have an additional garbage and/or recycling bin so that we can develop tailored programs, information and incentives to assist you to reduce household waste.

One of the key goals of the Rethinking Waste Plan is to reduce the total waste generation by 20 per cent per person by 2030, which equates to saving 11,000 tonnes of waste of waste being generated each year.

While many people commonly think about reusing and recycling products to avoid waste ending up in landfill, avoiding and reducing waste in the first instance is the most preferable waste management strategy when it comes to living sustainably. That is, it is best, where possible, to avoid generating waste in the first place.

The Rethinking Waste Plan outlines 12 actions to achieve our waste avoidance target, including:

  • To deliver innovative, engaging and accessible waste minimisation and resource recover education programs to our community
  • Support households with high waste generation with accessible and cost effective measures to reduce waste.

Find out more about ways you can reduce your waste by visiting our website

We are also planning a new household glass recycling service to be rolled out in the second half of 2022 and are asking for community feedback to help shape the support and information we develop for this new service.

In our Rethinking Waste Plan, one of the key goals is to recover and recycle as much waste as possible, value waste as a resource and encourage repair, reuse and recycle principles.

A main action under this goal is to introduce a residential glass recycling service in 2022-23. The introduction of residential glass recycling is also a requirement under the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria Plan to standardise the residential waste and recycling system.

All households in Victoria must have access to a glass recycling service by 2027. We know through development of the Rethinking Waste Plan that our community is committed to reducing waste and keeping it out of landfill, so we want to deliver improved recycling services as soon as possible and are aiming to provide a glass recycling service by September 2022.