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Thank you to the residents, businesses, young people and industry leaders that have helped shape our environmental priorities for the next ten years. We had over 800 people contribute to the development of the City of Whittlesea’s new Sustainable Environment Strategy 2022-2032, Climate Change Plan 2022-2032 and Sustainable Environment Action Plan 2022-2024. The plans set a clear path that will help us tackle climate change and environmental sustainability as we move towards becoming a net zero emissions city by 2036.

Some of the projects and initiatives we will be working on in the first two years include:

  • Working with Traditional Owners
  • Delivering annual tree planting programs
  • Supporting local businesses to be leaders in sustainability
  • Starting a habitat connectivity study to better understand our biodiversity
  • And much more!

We know our community are passionate about the environment and we look forward to continuing to work together to achieve our shared goals.

Endorsed - Strategy and Plans

Council have adopted 3 key documents which are available to read or download below.

About the project

Help us create a sustainable and climate resilient future for all

City of Whittlesea residents are invited to have their say on Council’s draft Sustainable Environment Strategy and Climate Change Plan which will shape our environmental priorities over the next ten years.

The draft long-term strategy and plan outline the City of Whittlesea’s approach to achieving the environment we want for our future and will create a roadmap for a sustainable environment and action on climate change. The draft Sustainable Environment Strategy Action Plan 2022-2024 sets out the first two-year’s commitments to delivering the Sustainable Environment Strategy, and integrates actions that address climate change, biodiversity, city forest, green wedge, water, waste, recycling and community empowerment.


We know that our community are passionate about the environment and are committed to achieving a clean and sustainable future for the City of Whittlesea. We asked to hear your thoughts on the priorities and vision outlined in our plans, and for your feedback about how we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

After reading the documents, community provided feedback on each by filling in a short survey. Community could also share thoughts on the community outcomes and benefits, and challenges of achieving a sustainable environment through the interactive activities.

How we engaged

980+ contributions were received directly related to sustainable environment in the Let’s Talk Program

390+ completed surveys on the Whittlesea 2040 Sustainable Environment Goal in the Let’s Talk Program

Thematic sustainability engagement:

Direct stakeholder and community engagement on strategy specific topics: Biodiversity, Water, City Forest, Waste and Recycling, Green Wedge, and Climate Change.

Community Plan 2021-25:

Let’s Talk: Shaping the Community Plan 2021-25 consultation program which included community surveys, online and face to face events, pop-up stalls and targeted focus groups.

Targeted local business discussions:

Online business breakfast and targeted engagement to understand local vulnerability and aspirations for climate action.

Climate change workshops:

Institutional stakeholder workshops and small focus groups.

Engage City of Whittlesea website:

Final engagement included a survey, two interactive activities, and five pop-up stalls. Attracted more than 800 views and 292 downloads of the Strategy and Action Plan

See what Community have already told us

Consultation on the Climate Change plan was held in 2021. This has helped inform these key documents. See what people said and ideas they shared here

Outcomes and Benefits

Community benefits of a Sustainable Environment

Read about each community benefit and then let us know which are most important to you. Click on the icons to learn more about the benefit and select the Vote here button to be directed to select your top 3 community benefits.

Challenges Map

Challenges facing our environment
