The Boulevard shop’s streetscape and local precinct located at the corner of The Boulevard and Station Street Thomastown, are due for a revitalisation. The shops are looking outdated and so too is the streetscape.

The City of Whittlesea plans to improve The Boulevard shops’ streetscape and walking and cycling connections to and from Thomastown Train Station. Working with our stakeholders we aim to improve:

  • accessibility and safety of the shops
  • active transport safety
  • tree planting
  • social and trading areas
  • the general quality, amenity and environmental performance of the area
  • propose new uses within the council owned carparking area.

Have your say

We want your feedback on the proposed concept plan for The Boulevard shop streetscape. Look at the concept plan below for more detail and the before and after images for comparison. You can then give us your feedback by

  • filling in the short survey below.
  • dropping a pin on the social map below and let us know what you like or don't like

To stay up to date with the project register at the top of the page and click the follow button.

Compare before and after

Compare what the area looks like now compared to a sketch of what it could look like.

Before After

Social Map

Concept hot spot map

Map of proposed concept design