We received over 130 submissions on our draft plan, with feedback regarding existing walking and cycling networks and the need to make them more safe, comfortable and accessible. It was also highly requested by community members to connect missing links in current routes, add more shaded and well-lit areas, and improve safety of busy crossings.
Providing safer walking and cycling options and increasing the levels of participation in active travel are just some of the key priorities outlined in the plan endorsed at the Council Meeting on Monday 19 September.
The City of Whittlesea’s Walking and Cycling Plan 2022-2027 will guide improvements and actions over the next five years across the municipality to create safer and more accessible walking and cycling opportunities for our community.
About the Draft Plan
Council's Draft Walking and Cycling Plan 2022 has been developed to increase walking and cycling in the City of Whittlesea. Walking and cycling provides a range of health, economic, environmental and social benefits to individuals and the wider community.
The Draft Walking and Cycling Plan is an update on the Whittlesea Bicycle Plan 2016-2020 and will deliver on key actions from the Integrated Transport Strategy 2014. The draft plan sets out four key directions and outlines a list of actions that will help us achieve these.
Help us better understand your walking and cycling habits and have your say on the draft plan and action items to improve your walking cycling experience in Whittlesea.
How you can provide your feedback
We want our residents to walk and cycle more often. Walking and cycling provide a range of benefits to individuals and communities. This includes a cleaner and greener environment, better health and fitness and a well-connected and aware community.
We want to hear about your walking and/or cycling experience and what is most important to you. Your responses will help us improve walking and cycling in the City of Whittlesea.
This survey will take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Wednesday 2 March 2022.
If you would like assistance completing this survey in another language, please call our free telephone interpreter service on 131 450.
If you have any additional requirements to enable you to complete this survey, please contact the Engagement Team by email: engagement@whittlesea.vic.gov.au, or by phone on 9217 2170.
Privacy Statement
Your response to this survey will be confidential to the City of Whittlesea. We will not identify you by the answers you provide in the survey, nor will your answers be linked to your identity. Your participation is voluntary, and the completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. Any personal information you may provide will not be disclosed to any other organisation, the City of Whittlesea will protect it in accordance with the principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Read Council’s full Privacy Statement here