
Delacombe Dog Off-Leash Park Redevelopment Update

12 July 2023

12 July 2023

Dear Resident,

  • Allan Avenue Park – Park and Playground Redevelopment
  • Delacombe Dog Off-Leash Park Redevelopment

This letter is to inform you that landscaping works within Allan Avenue Park and Delacombe Dog Off-Leash Park will commence in late July/early August 2023.

The park and playground upgrade includes installation of new play equipment, shelter, basketball court, new barbecue, new bench and picnic seating and planting of additional trees and shrubs.

The Delacombe Dog Off-Leash Park redevelopment will include a quiet dog zone, two entrances to the dog park with bins at each entrance. Currently the surface is unirrigated grass, and the proposed dog off-leash park will include a mix of surface treatments, including granitic gravel.

Additional park furniture will be installed, including two drinking fountains and three park benches.

Image of proposed playground

Image of Delacombe Dog Park map

Subject to favourable weather conditions, the projects should be completed by the end of October 2023.

The contractors will be using temporary fencing to keep their works contained to the construction sites and you will see trucks delivering materials for the duration of the project.

As part of these works, the sand path linking Allan Avenue to Delacombe Park and the dog park will be closed to the public. This is to keep members of the public safe as the contractors work in the area. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project, please call Parks Project Manager, Camilla Wigney on 0400 580 172 or email

Yours sincerely

Adrian Napoleone

Unit Manager Parks Development