Granite Hills Major Community Park
Granite Hills Park is located within the Quarry Hills Regional Parkland in South Morang (bordering Mernda). Quarry Hills Regional Parkland is one of the defining landscape features of the municipality and contributes significantly to the character of the City's growth suburbs. The hills are a striking visual feature within the landscape and are a common point of reference for the two emerging communities of South Morang and Mernda.
In 2019, a landscape master plan for the Parkland was developed to guide future land planning of the site.
Stage 1 of the master plan is for the development of Granite Hills Park. This is to provide a new major community park and playspace. Granite Hills Park will provide the gateway into the broader Quarry Hills Regional Parkland.
Granite Hills Park design
Click on the icons below to get a look at some of the exciting features proposed for the new Granite Hills Park.

Concept design
Granite Hills Park will be on of four of the City of Whittlesea’s major community parks. Granite Hills Park will create a fun adventure park and playground with nature play, open-air pavilion with public barbecues and picnic settings, giant slides, lawn maze, nature and water play, public toilets with a Changing Places facility, connected walking trails and more.
Check out the design concepts for Granite Hills Park below:
- Why was Granite Hills Park selected as the site for the major community park?
- What plans does Council have to protect the environment and the wildlife that currently live on this site?
- How will trail bike riders be deterred?
- How will Council manage off leash dogs? Will there be an allocated off leash area?
A series of trails will be designed and constructed in the upcoming financial year to provide connection to the broader Quarry Hills Regional Parkland. These will include rest stops and interpretive signage. Council has received funding from the DEWLP’s suburban park program and from the Growing Suburbs Fund to complete the trail network.
Quarry Hills Regional Parkland Connecting Trails
Cultural Heritage
Granite Hills Park will be representative of the cultural heritage values significant to the site and surrounding area. The following themes will be embedded into the park and playspace.The Wurundjeri-willum people of the Kulin Nation are the Traditional Owners of the land in which the Granite Hills Park sits. Their relationship with the land extends back tens of thousands of years to when their creator spirit ‘Bunjil’ formed their people, the land and all living things.
Granite Hills Park is a significant cultural landscape for Wurundjeri people, for its traditional and historical associations, and its tangible and intangible values.
Tangible evidence of the Wurundjeri relationship with this landscape can be found in the artefact scatters and scarred trees that remain in the broader precinct - physical reminders of the lives of the Wurundjeri ancestors.
The intangible cultural heritage values of the site exist in the stories, traditions, language, ceremonies and people associated with the landscape.
The stars hold a significant place in the traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures across Australia. They are embedded into the orality – in story, song, dance, and material culture.
The people of the Kulin nation lived their lives according to their own of markings of the changing seasons. Seven Wurundjeri seasons are described in Woiwurrung traditions:
- Biderap, Dry Season (Jan-Feb)
- Luk, Eel Season (March)
- Waring, Wombat Season (April-July)
- Guling, Orchid Season (Aug)
- Poorneet, Tadpole Season (Sept-Oct)
- Buarth Gurru, Grass Flowering Season (Nov)
- Garrawang, Kangaroo-Apple Season (Dec)
The Wurundjeri established camps within their clan boundaries where food was plentiful, and moved on when the land needed to rejuvenate.
The land provided all that the Wurundjeri needed – food, water, medicine, shelter – and they treated it with the respect due to such a provider.
The maintenance of healthy waterways was the responsibility of the traditional owners of the land. Rivers were campsites and sources of fresh water and food. Waterways of significance to the Wurundjeri-willum clan include Merri, Edgars and Darebin Creeks, the Plenty River and the Maribynong River.
Language is ingrained in culture, stories and history.
Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next. Languages uphold and reinforce Indigenous world-views held by previous generations.
Reviving and maintaining language is core to reviving cultural and spiritual practices.
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