About your Community
South Morang – This community is largely made up of
families who have lived in the area for more than 10 years,
with children who are at, or approaching, secondary school
age. You've told us through previous consultations that you're seeking more parks and upgrades and better
maintenance of existing open spaces. You'd also like to see a diverse range of festivals and
events to experience culture and connect with their
Mernda – Having experienced rapid population growth
in the last decade, Mernda continues to attract young
couples and families to the area with a further 6,000
people forecast to call Mernda home before 2030.
You've told us through previous consultation that you seek improved road and
transport networks to connect you to employment,
schools and services, and you understand the importance of
supporting local businesses
Doreen – With 28,000 residents now calling Doreen home,
families in this community have advocated
for access to recreational facilities including leisure centres
and swimming pools. You've told us that you value public open
spaces and are avid supporters of maintaining
our local natural environment.