Designing a vision for Thomastown and Lalor

In early 2021 we asked the community what they love about Thomastown and Lalor and what they see as the biggest challenges and opportunities for these suburbs. Based on feedback received, combined with our own research and analysis of existing plans, policies and strategies and understanding of the area, we have developed a report that outlines the Challenges and Opportunities for Thomastown and Lalor and six proposed principles we think will help us address these:

  • Strengthening the public space network
  • Celebrating local culture and experiences
  • Enhancing movements and connectivity
  • Reintroducing a quality natural environment
  • Supporting the community to thrive
  • Managing urban renewal and character

This is the first step towards developing an Urban Design Framework (UDF) for Thomastown and Lalor. In June/July 2021 we asked the community to let us know if what we have outlined in the document aligns with what our community wants, to check in with community on this foundational work. The feedback we received will directly inform the vision Council develops throgh the UDF for how Thomastown and Lalor will look, feel and function into the future.

Social Map

Six principles

Key Documents

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