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Welcome to the Whittlesea Disability Network (WDN) Online Hub.

This is a space where you can connect with Council and tell us about what you or people with disability need to live independently and safely in the community.

This space is open to anyone with an interest in disability, including people with disability, carers, service providers and advocates.

On this page, you can:

We hope this Hub will support positive conversations about how we can work together to create a more inclusive and accessible community.

WDN June Meeting Minutes

We had a great turn out to the final WDN community meeting for the financial year, running four separate facilitated conversations on issues raised by our members:

  • creating independent living and employment opportunities for young people with disability
  • supporting neurodiverse families
  • creating social connections for carers and
  • gaps in mental health services.

New connections were made, information was exchanged and over 100 pieces of feedback were recorded by Council to support our disability policy and planning.

If you have any questions, please email or you can provide feedback via the Hub’s Community or Service Provider feedback pages.

You can access a copy of the minutes or, to request a hard copy, email: or phone: 9217 2170 (Community Strengthening Department Support Officer).


Information, events and projects of interest

Contact Details

If you have any questions about the WDN please contact

Name Community Strengthening Department
Phone 9217 2170
We have provided a confidential space for you to tell us about any access issues, service and support needs, anything you want to know more about or just share a story. Select the relevant box below to submit your comments.