Community Local Law 2024 - 2034
The new laws are in effect as of 1 July 2024.
A comprehensive Community Local Law aimed at addressing a wide range of important community issues including fire safety, animal welfare, property regulations, vehicle management, and public behaviour was endorsed at the Council Meeting on 21 November 2023.
The Community Local Law 2024-2034 has replaced Council’s previous Local Law and aims to strike a balance between safety, personal freedom, and community responsibility to help people live harmoniously in their local community.
Notice of Community Local Law 2024

A copy of the Community Local Law is available for inspection at Council Offices Reception at 25 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang
Community Local Law 2024 - 2034
Can I drive or park my vehicle anywhere on Council land without a permit?
No, unless a specific area has been designated for that purpose, driving, riding, parking, or using any vehicle, including motorbikes and motorized recreational vehicles, without a permit is not allowed. This helps ensure safety and proper use of public spaces.
Are there restrictions on using motorbikes or other recreational vehicles in built-up areas?
Yes, unless you're directly accessing or leaving a property, using motorbikes or other recreational vehicles in built-up areas on land other than Council land or a road without a permit is prohibited.
Can I leave my vehicle on Council land temporarily or permanently?
No, leaving any derelict, abandoned, or unregistered vehicle on any road or Council land, whether temporarily or permanently, is not allowed. This helps maintain the cleanliness and safety of our community spaces.
What should I do if I need to repair my vehicle or display it for sale?
Leaving any derelict, abandoned, or unregistered vehicle on any road or Council land is not allowed. This helps maintain the cleanliness and safety of our community spaces.
Are there restrictions on storing heavy or long vehicles?
Yes, there are regulations in place to ensure responsible vehicle storage. Owners or occupiers of land should not keep more than one heavy or long vehicle, except in a shed. Also, trailers, caravans, or machinery should not be stored on nature strips or roads for extended periods without a permit. These rules help maintain the aesthetics and safety of our neighbourhoods.
Can I keep any large animals on my property without a permit?
No, you must obtain a permit to keep large animals like deer or elk. Exotic, wild, or dangerous animals need special permission or must adhere to state or federal legislation.
What happens if I exceed the permitted number of animals on my property?
Council may impound animals exceeding the permitted number stated in the local law. Owners have 14 days to claim impounded animals, but if a breach continues, Council may retain the animal.
What are the requirements for animal housing on my property?
Animal housing must be kept clean, safe, and free from materials that attract pests. This ensures the welfare of animals and prevents nuisances in the community.
Can animal noise or smells cause issues for neighbours?
Animal owners must prevent offensive noise, smell, or discharge that disturbs neighbours’ comfort. This helps maintain peace and harmony in the neighbourhood.
How should I handle animal excrement in public areas?
Owners must promptly clean up and dispose of animal excrement on roads, footpaths, or parks. Carrying suitable litter devices and burying deceased animals are also required to maintain cleanliness and prevent hazards.
Do I need to ensure my property is adequately fenced for animals?
Yes, property owners must prevent animals from escaping by maintaining adequate fencing. This ensures safety for both the animals and the community
What is an Animal Management Plan?
An Animal Management Plan outlines responsibilities for dog owners, ensuring compliance with regulations to promote safety and responsible pet ownership.
How can I prevent dog attacks on my property?
Property owners must secure their land to prevent dog attacks. This helps protect people and other animals from harm.
What constitutes a fire hazard according to the updated local law?
Fire hazards include undergrowth, scrub, bracken, fern, weeds, stubble, grass (whether alive or dead), litter, or any other materials deemed hazardous by an Authorized Officer.
When do I need to maintain grass, stubble, weeds, and other materials on my land?
Between November and March of any year, it's required to keep grass, stubble, weeds, etc., on vacant land to a height not exceeding 10 centimetres.
What happens if I don't comply with fire prevention measures?
Failure to comply with fire prevention measures may result in a penalty of 20 penalty units. Additionally, the Council may enter your land and remove hazardous materials at your expense.
Can I light a fire on a Total Fire Ban Day?
No, it's prohibited to light or allow a fire to remain alight on Total Fire Ban Days or during smog alerts.
Do I need a permit for open-air burning on land less than 20,000m2?
Yes, except for cooking food outdoors, you need a permit to light or burn fires on land less than 20,000m2
Are there any exceptions to the open-air burning restrictions?
Yes, exceptions include properly constructed cooking appliances, heating devices, authorized burning for reserve maintenance, fire agency activities, and exemptions granted by an Authorized Officer in emergencies.
Can I use an incinerator on my land?
No, the use of incinerators on any land within the municipality is prohibited.
What materials am I prohibited from burning?
You must not burn green or wet materials, rubber, plastic, furnishings, household waste, industrial waste, electronics, or any offensive, noxious, or toxic matter.
What is considered contaminated material?
Contaminated material includes any items that could compromise recycling efforts. Please avoid placing such items in your domestic waste bin to support effective waste management.
When should I put my bins out for collection?
Bins should be placed out for collection on the nature strip or road closest to your premises on the designated collection day. Do not leave bins out for more than one day before or after the collection day.
Where can I place my hard waste for collection?
Follow Council guidelines for placing hard waste out for collection. Do not put hard waste on nature strips or Council land without approval from a Council officer or as part of an authorized waste program.
Can I interfere with or remove hard waste left out by others?
No, unless you are employed, authorized, or contracted by the Council, please do not interfere with or remove hard waste left out by others.
How should I handle commercial or trade waste?
Ensure that commercial or trade waste is contained properly in watertight, fly and pest-proof vessels. Display a notice indicating the type of waste, empty it regularly, and do not store it on Council land or road without a permit.
Can I deposit commercial waste in public waste or domestic waste bins?
No, it is not permitted to deposit commercial waste in public waste or domestic waste bins. Use appropriate channels for commercial waste disposal.
Local Law 2024 Video
Community Local Law Video
We have developed a short Community Local Law explainer video that outlines some of the key changes.
Community Local Law 2024
General FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a ‘Local Law’ and why do we need one?
- Where is it set out that the Council can make Local Laws?
- What is the process for making a Local Law?
- What consultation took place in 2022?
- What are main objectives of the Local Law?
- What are the main areas covered in the new Local Law?
- What can happen to those who break the Local Law?
- Local Law - help in your language
- Why are you updating and changing the Local Law?
- How long will the new Community Local Law remain in place?
Community Consultation
Fire safety, animals, property, vehicles and public behavior are just some of the themes addressed in the final draft Community Local Law 2024 was recently released for community consultation. The final draft has been informed through two rounds of significant community engagement.
Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson said the new Community Local Law was developed in consultation with the local community.
“We received valuable feedback and insights from more than 2,000 residents which played a pivotal role in shaping these essential local laws,” - Lydia said
Engagement Summaries
The Local Law addresses issues which have emerged in recent years including the use of recreational firepits, nature strip maintenance, managing long-term parking of trailers, caravans and boats on Council land, dumping of rubbish, managing derelict and dilapidated buildings, dumped or abandoned shopping trolleys, managing dogs on sports fields and strengthening dog attack laws.