FAQ's for Place Framework
A Place Framework identifies opportunities within a certain place, or suburb, and the projects, services and infrastructure required to help achieved a shared vision for the area.
The framework is based on a ‘place-based’ approach to planning, service and infrastructure delivery that is responsive to the distinct needs and aspirations of local neighbourhoods. It will deliver more localised, place-based solutions and projects that will support connections opportunities locally.
The draft Thomastown and Lalor Place Framework recommends a series of priority projects that will deliver a range of improvements for Thomastown and Lalor over time.
It will be an ongoing collaborative approach to improve streets, public spaces, community precincts, infrastructure, buildings and transport and identifying areas where innovative solutions or designs will be required to deliver these outcomes to the community.
Council has undertaken community consultation over the past few years which has informed the proposed priorities in the draft Place Framework. This consultation identified the things our community love most about Thomastown and Lalor and also what they would like to see in the areas to ensure that these suburbs continue to meet the demands of its residents, businesses and visitors.
The Place Framework is also informed by the goals from our community’s long term vision - Whittlesea 2040: a place for all, and the key goals that will help us achieve this vision:
- Connected community
- Liveable neighbourhoods
- Strong local economy
- Sustainable environment and
- High performing organisation
Supporting background documents and findings from previous community engagement can be found on the Engage Whittlesea project page.
- Greener spaces: creating more usable open spaces with improved tree cover and native vegetation that will help establish a cooler and more resilient environment for our community connect and relax in.
- Connected places: creating better access to key destinations with safe, comfortable infrastructure for all types of travel. This includes better road networks, better walking and cycling networks and regional trials
- Shared local culture: ensuring there are distinct places for people of all ages to gather, participate and celebrate local heritage and culture.
- Vibrant centres and industries: Creating safe, inclusive and attractive areas that foster opportunities for local employment
- Enhance character: providing safer public spaces, high quality new developments and improved liveability .
The 20-Minute Neighbourhood principle is a cornerstone of the Victorian Government’s Plan Melbourne. It aims to create local hubs where the community can access services, like health facilities, parks and shops, within a 20-minute walk from home.
The City of Whittlesea is currently working closely with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) on the 20-minute Neighbourhood pilot program. This program will assist us in implementing the 20-minute neighbourhood principle in various town centres of Thomastown and Lalor, using a place-based approach. It will provide guidance on key investment areas and new approaches to define, designate, prioritise and plan for these town centres.
The project is expected to be finalised in early 2023 and findings will be incorporated in the final Place Framework.
Your feedback will help us prioritise the delivery of our projects based and is crucial in identifying the priority projects based on what the community wants.
You can provide your feedback in one of the following ways:
- In-person at
- Lalor Library (Monday 7 November, 4pm-5.30pm) or
- Thomastown Library (Thursday 24 November, 10am-12pm)
- At an online information session held on
- By completing a short survey on theEngage Whittlesea webpage
- Directly emailing the Urban Design and Transport team, via urban.design@whittlesea.vic.gov.au
Once the consultation period closes, feedback will be reviewed and will be used to inform the final draft of the Thomastown and Lalor Place Framework, which is expected to be presented to Council for final endorsement by June 2023.
Following endorsement, the projects identified will be implemented in the short, medium and long term, subject to funding.