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From grass and a street tree to native plants and edible crops, the City of Whittlesea’s Nature Strip Garden Guidelines reflect the community’s desire to influence the look and feel of the nature strip adjacent to their home, allowing them to contribute to creating liveable neighbourhoods and making the City of Whittlesea A Place For All.

The Nature Strip Garden Guidelines is a document that provides our community with the opportunity to modify the nature strip adjacent to their home. It outlines what can and cannot be done on a nature strip and outlines the roles and responsibilities for the management of a modified nature strip.

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The current Urban Nature Strip Guidelines became effective on 1 January 2015 and reflect community, environmental, and design considerations that are close to 10 years old. As a result, a review was conducted to ensure that the guidelines are aligned with our community’s and organisation’s current requirements and values in the areas of design and sustainability.

In addition to the proposed changes contained in the new guidelines, the review also determined that a name change would help to clarify the intent of the guidelines. They will now be called the Nature Strip Garden Guidelines.

Have you seen a modified nature strip that you really like?

Tell us about it below, you can even attach some pictures.

2 contributions